
Mr. Vincent A. Botchway

Senior Scientist at the Animal Research Institute, of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Secretary to the Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)-Platform in Ghana

"The AgMIP methodology is very useful in contributing to the NAP processes. We recommend capacity building for scientists and stakeholders beyond the AgMIP Team and we are willing to partner the AgMIP Ghana Team in a future study."

I find the AgMIP methodology to be very interesting and very useful in contributing to the NAP processes since it generates data that is essential to support decision making process.

I would like to see the methodology extended to other farming systems in areas such as the Coastal Savannah and Transitional zones of Ghana as well as crop-livestock integration. We (CCAFS) would like an improvement in terms of the ability of the methodology to factor in the multiple benefits derived from crops as food and feed source to justify the potential use of the methodology in both the major and minor growing seasons. 

Upscaling the use of the method would require capacity building in the use of the tools for both scientists and policy makers.  We therefore recommend capacity building for scientists and stakeholders beyond the AgMIP Team and we are willing to partner the AgMIP Ghana Team in a future study.

A priority research area to contribute to the climate change adaptation discourse at the national level is “Assessment of agro-ecological based Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Potential of Crop-livestock Integrated farming systems”.